MITA Group’s Coolers and Chillers at Plast 2023

The partnership of our companies within MITA Group continues: together with Frigofluid we will be present at Plast 2023, the International Exhibition for the Plastics and Rubber Industry. The appointment is at the Fiera Milano exhibition center from September 5th to 8th, 2023: hall 24, aisle B, booth 72.
Frigofluid manufactures industrial chillers and turnkey refrigeration systems, thus completing MITA Cooling Technologies’ range of cooling solutions.
These are the technologies featured at the exhibition.
- PAD-V adiabatic dry cooler from MITA Cooling Technologies: performance and optimal water and energy management.
- RW ax industrial chiller from Frigofluid, for process liquid outlet temperatures between 1°C and 20°C.
- RW EFC ax industrial chiller from Frigofluid: a solution with free-cooling system for large energy savings.
More information on MITA Cooling Technologies solutions within MITA Group:
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